
While location is no consummate scheme to forestall article of trade theft, within are a cipher of material possession you can do to back minimise it.

Make the download folio thorny to find
Place your goods in an obscurely called holder and fail to deal with using the article of trade christen itself as either the dossier christen or the directory mark. Something close to is finer than

Make Your Policies Clear To Your Customers
Make convinced that your regulars get the drift what their rights are and what your policies are in relation to your product. It is foremost to have this info unmistakably stated on your goods download page. We perceive that many a copywriters set down such notifications in the service itself in either the EULA or evenly in the ebook if it is that like of article of trade.

Unfortunately, various products are passed about to friends and clan beforehand your article of trade is in actuality accessed by the gainful end user. This is specially echt for ebooks and is thing that may be deterred by fashioning it understandable earlier they download your goods.

Appearance Is Important
Is your download folio paid looking or does it countenance like it was down both at the later small next to naught but a downlink knit. Do you have interaction content at your disposal so that your punter may interaction you if they have a breakdown accessing the file?

If it looks approaching your don't thinking about your article of trade after your client may not bear your policies sober. By having a painstaking sounding download page beside cram full communication rumour and a elaborate policy proof of purchase you show a professional guests image, one that takes their policies seriously.

You can reproduce your paid representation by displaying your clientele IP code along next to a timestamp neighbour your written document policies. This lets them cognize that their download activities are human being logged.

If your pages end in .php and your grownup supports php, this is efficiently experienced by tallying the next lines of standard...

<?php sound reflection day of the month('m.d.y-H.i.s'); ?><?php $hostname = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); replication $hostname; ?>

If your folio ends in .html and can not be changed for any reason, you may add the tailing symbols to your .htaccess data file in your download reference book to military unit your dining-room attendant to analyze the leaf as if it were .php

AddType entry/x-httpd-php .php .html

You can make to order your example postage stamp by ever-changing the "echo date" written communication. You can brainstorm more than content on the php day data formatting here.

You can variety this countenance even more professional by displaying this statistics in an image, you can find the symbols to do that present.

Using the robots.txt file
Many counsel to stick a forbid in your robots.txt database similar so...

User-agent: *
Disallow: /downloads

We grain this is not the unsurpassed line because you are in a suffer exposure where your downloads are hold on and bad bots will contempt this folder well. Instead we offer that you add thing same to this alternatively.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /*.zip$
Disallow: /*.pdf$

Note that Googlebot does submit this publication but not all bots accept this and remaining stairway should too be interpreted. More records on the robots.txt data file can be recovered present.

Use Meta Tags On Your Product Download Pages
Again, as near the robots.txt file, this will not shield from the bad bots but is bigger to have in stand than not. Place the subsequent codification on your download page involving the and tags.

<meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW">

Confirm Your Product Page Has Not Already Been Indexed
Do a survey on Google for a document of pages once indexed by inquiring near the tailing scour residence...

If you brainwave that your download page or commodity has once been indexed, you can use the Google Automated URL Removal System to have it separate. You must early add the Meta Tag preceding to the page previously victimisation this bit. More statistics can be found on Googles place here.

Restrict Access Through Your Htaccess
Through the use of .htaccess on Unix servers you are competent to relax accession to directories or even reliable files. There are numerious techniques and variables purchasable when utilizing these directives, so many a that it is exterior the orbit of this hard to please leaf to try and full run through them all so here we will bring in you near a short-term section and you can brainstorm more records present.

Adding the successive to your .htaccess record in your download book ...

Order Deny,Allow

Deny from all

Allow from

Allow from

... will sole permit users who have been referred either straight from your website or from your compensation processors website to access any documents in that folder. If ambivalent of your sum processors referring domain you should introduction them straight for explication as sometimes it may be contrasting that what you regard. You also have the expertise to permit or repudiate right by referring IP as economically as bucolic if you pick and choose. Be assured and test up to that time going be next to this rule by fashioning a few exam purchases.

You could add to this by directive disallowed referrers to either your gross revenue folio or a assistance folio where on earth being could introduction you if they felt they were denied right by howler.

Use A Professional Download Manager
There are individual products on the flea market that can oblige carry off your digital downloads and give out a novel download url with all purchase. The bigger ones can even organize impermanent passwords that discontinue after a fixed amount of circumstance.

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