Affiliate programs are a great way to make money online and some can be lucrative, but most have a payment structure that requires big sales in order to make big money. For example, if you are an affiliate for a company that pays a three percent sales commission, sales of $3,000 would generate a commission of $90. It would take almost 34 individual $3,000 sales to earn $3,000 a month in commissions.
It may be better to look for companies that offer a higher commission percentages to their affiliates. Most companies justify the lower commission by pointing out their overhead in inventory, warehousing, mailing costs and the fact they have to keep costs low in order to compete in the market.
On the other hand, a few companies realize that in order to get their affiliates motivated they need to offer a commission structure that attracts the attention of quality people and makes it worth their while to push the sales of their product or service. SFI Marketing is one of those companies. SFI is FREE and they train you in the techniques of network marketing and web site structure to help make you a success.
For those who do not have a personal website, host4profit can help you with their own reseller web hosting services affiliate program. Typically a web host reseller obtains server space at a greatly reduced rate. They then increase the price to a profit margin they believe will keep prices below the competition and are paid the difference. Most web host operators maintain the servers and handle all accounting and billing responsibilities. Most will provide tech support to webmasters, helping them through any technical issues that may occur. The reseller is basically a sales associate who is paid commissions for any web hosting services they've sold.