
Performance, or non-generalized, anxiety disorder is a type of social anxiety disorder that affects a person when they are confronted with specific performance situations that increase their anxiety. The same activity when performed alone may not produce anxiety but an attempt to perform it publicly makes them nervous and uncomfortable. There is a feeling of fear of being under the scrutiny by others. Some of the examples of performance anxiety are singing in public, reading, presenting a report at an office meeting and public speeches. Unlike generalized anxiety where the person is under stress most of the time, regardless of the appropriate reason, performance anxiety is milder and is only under specific situation. Under normal circumstances, the person remains calm.

Performance anxiety has no physical medical implication directly. However, a person, in order to perform the activity, may take high doses of drugs or alcohol, which may be injurious to health. The symptoms of performance anxiety are similar to the generalized anxiety like sweating, trembling and palpitations but occur only when a person is confronted with the situation. Performance anxiety is predictable, unlike the generalized anxiety where it becomes difficult to identify which situation may trigger the fear or anxiety.

The treatment of performance anxiety includes both medication therapy and behavior therapy. Medication therapy involves use of medicines to relieve the patients from depression and calm them. Behavior therapy involves counseling so that there is a decrease in the avoidance of a specific situation. It helps the patient develop coping skills. The therapy also focuses on self-esteem, anger, fear and other psychological issues.

Performance anxiety generally starts in the mid-teens when a person starts interacting with others and starts performing various activities in public. Performance anxiety should be checked at an early age so that it does not affect future of the person as an adult.

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